STYX Devlog 2

The group has been hard at work!

Our Game Designer/Level Designer & Producer has been extremely busy recently and our 2 artists have been hard at work as well coming up with the designs for the our main character Charon, an NPC called Dionysus (Greek god of wine) who just so happens to be the resident bartender where the player can come to after a level and spend their upgrades or just have a chat!

I have been focusing on working on four-directional movement for the main character. I wasn't initially happy with how the movement felt in game and wanted to play around (a bit obsessively) and see what felt good to play.

One of the things that I struggled with and probably took up a lot of my time was creating basic levels in order to test the play of the characters.

I am looking forward to incorporating the assets created by the artists of the group into the game and start to see our vision come alive. With Westy helping to create levels and the use of tile maps etc, it allows me to focus more on the coding aspect of things so that I can send it to him, and we can test what works and what doesn't.

The induction of the groups Discord chat has been a huge boon. It has allowed a lot more communication between all members and has improved things a lot as after talking with the team, we are in agreement that yes, we could communicate better about our individual progress and keep everyone updated with what we are doing.

However, I think we are all working well together and by communicating more we can only keep improving.

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